Τετάρτη 15 Ιανουαρίου 2014


I love origami. It is a fun and enjoyable art form and can expand the world for many people in different ways.
Origami is the ancient paper folding technique from Japan. It is widely used around the world today as an art form, simple decoration, a design model for technology and architecture, and overall one of the best gifts for anyone of any age.
When I was much younger, I was a very shy child and it was difficult for me to make friends or even stand out in class among other more social children. One thing that helped me get out of my shell was origami. I would just sit quietly folding different origami models that I learned from my father.  Once a model was done, I would place it on my desk and start another one.  The one folded paper object was enough to grab the curiosity of some children and from there, new friendships were made.  The other children would ask me what I was doing and even request certain objects, and I would show how to make certain things like 3D tulips or cranes.

I love origami. It is a fun and enjoyable art form and can expand the world for many people in different ways.

Origami is the ancient paper folding technique from Japan. It is widely used around the world today as an art form, simple decoration, a design model for technology and architecture, and overall one of the best gifts for anyone of any age.


When I was much younger, I was a very shy child and it was difficult for me to make friends or even stand out in class among other more social children. One thing that helped me get out of my shell was origami. I would just sit quietly folding different origami models that I learned from my father.  Once a model was done, I would place it on my desk and start another one.  The one folded paper object was enough to grab the curiosity of some children and from there, new friendships were made.  The other children would ask me what I was doing and even request certain objects, and I would show how to make certain things like 3D tulips or cranes.  This unexpected attention actually helped me interact with others and gain the confidence I needed, because I was introducing a new concept that I knew and loved.



People of all ages can do the same thing, whether it is to gain confidence, to create a new environment for themselves, or change someone’s mood.  One personal example that I have is when I’m out and I see children who are cranky or sad, and quite possibly giving their parents a hard time, I try to find a scrap piece of paper and quickly fold an origami crane (traditional Japanese bird).  After asking the parent if it is alright to give to the children, I would quietly hold it in front of them, and surprisingly, it quiets them down since most of these children have never seen origami before.


I always get surprised looks from the parents, mainly because it is not common for random people to approach you with folded paper toys, but once they see the results, the surprise turns to a smile.
One piece of scrap paper not only became a quiet moment for the parent, but also a new curious toy for the child.


Origami is also a fun and creative form of decoration for cards and gifts, home accessories, and even fashion accessories.
Some fashion designers use origami folding techniques and models as a base for new clothing pieces. If you look around at different fashion trands, you’ll find a lot of pleats, geometrical folds or textures that follow common origami techniques.



Just as some fashion techniques are modeled after origami, technology is another major field that uses origami structures. Many scientists and medical technologists use the mathematical basics of origami for devices designed and used today. One of the most fascinating models is the solar panel model used on some satellites orbiting the earth.

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